
The Top 5 Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in Your Makeup Collection

by | Apr 17, 2019 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

We all want to look our best, but it is important to keep in mind that some of the ingredients found in makeup products can be potentially dangerous and even toxic. That’s why it’s essential that you educate yourself on what ingredients to avoid and how to create a healthier makeup routine. Here’s a list of the top 5 toxic ingredients you should avoid and why.

Big picture

Parabens – Parabens are preservatives found in many beauty products, including foundation, mascara, and lipstick. They are used to extend the shelf life of products but have been linked with hormone disruption and increased risk for breast cancer. These synthetic compounds disrupt the body’s natural hormone balance, which can lead to serious long-term health problems.


Phthalates – Phthalates are chemicals used as softeners or plasticizers in many products, including cosmetics. They can be found in nail polish, hair spray, perfumes, lotions, and more. Like parabens, phthalates have been linked with hormone disruption as well as an increase risk for asthma and other respiratory problems.


Formaldehyde – Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen that has been linked with an increased risk for cancer and other serious health issues when exposed over time. It is commonly found in eyelash glue and other cosmetics that help maintain their shape or texture. It can also be found in nail polish and nail hardeners .


Fragrance/Perfume – Fragrance or perfume is one of the most common ingredients found in cosmetics, but it is also one of the most problematic. These fragrances are often made up of hundreds of different chemicals , some of which can be irritating or even toxic when breathed in or absorbed through the skin over time .


Lead – Lead is a heavy metal that has been associated with neurological damage , reproductive problems ,and even cancer when exposed over time. Many companies still use lead as an additive in lipsticks, foundations, and other cosmetics, despite its known toxicity . To make matters worse, lead isn’t always listed on product labels because it may not technically be an ingredient. Instead, many companies hide it under alternative names such as ‘mineral colour.”


All these ingredients should be avoided at all costs! So make sure you pay attention to what goes into your beauty products before buying them! There are plenty of safe alternatives out there now, so don’t let yourself get fooled by cheap prices or fancy packaging—you deserve better than that! Educate yourself on what goes into your favourite products so you can make sure they’re safe for your skin! With this knowledge, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your makeup collection only contains safe ingredients!


The Clean Beauty Movement

Recent studies have proven that conventional beauty products are loaded with harmful chemicals that can be absorbed directly into our skin. Clean beauty products are formulated without those nasty toxins and instead use natural and clean ingredients to nourish your skin. 

When making the decision to switch to clean beauty products, it is important to make sure you are getting clean products that will benefit your skin. Choosing clean beauty products can provide great rewards and should not be a daunting process. With my skin quiz, you will get personalized product recommendations so you know your skin will only get the cleanest and most effective ingredients without any of the harsh chemicals. By taking this quiz, you have full control over what benefits your skin gets while also knowing that you are doing your part in helping fight against animal testing and toxins.

Make the switch today and get ready to feel the world’s cleanest clean on your skin!


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