
Healthy Skin From Within

by | Jul 16, 2019 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

We all know that having great skin extends further than just nutrition and skincare. To have healthy, glowing looking skin we need to work on our internal and external approach to beauty – what we put in our bodies and what we put on our bodies. The food we eat and the way we treat our ourselves have a direct link to how we look and feel.

Your body needs the right nutrients to fight off damage and your skin no different.

The Link Between Gut Health and Skin

If you’ve had ongoing gut troubles and skin problems, the two could actually be more closely linked than you might think.

The skin has long been viewed as an indicator of internal issues and possible bodily imbalance. In traditional Chinese medicine as well as Ayurveda, techniques such as face mapping have been used to analyse skin problems in relation to gut issues, indigestion and intolerances, often revealing underlying digestive issues. Health supplements designed to support digestive function can actually help to rebalance the gut and restore a healthy amount of good bacteria, which may in turn help to improve the skin and improve breakouts.


How does gut health affect the skin?

Sometimes when skin care treatments don’t seem to be doing much for our skin problems, the source of the issue may actually be in the gut. Gut problems and indigestion can actually affect the way your body retains the nutrients found in your diet, leading to poor absorption of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed to keep skin looking healthy and potentially making existing skin conditions worse.

A healthy gut and digestive system can help improve these common skin conditions by ensuring nutrients are correctly absorbed, but what is a healthy gut? According to author and scientist Giulia Enders, the gut contains a wealth of good bacteria which needs to be supported properly in order to limit the growth of bad bacteria. Without this balance, our immune systems have to work harder in order to keep us healthy, so it’s important to feed the good bacteria with probiotics and fermented foods to ensure healthy body function and general wellbeing.

30 Days To Healthy Living Inside & Out

TAKE THE 30 DAY CHALLENGEOur 30 Day Challenge is a holistic approach to healthy living, inside and out, with clean formulas for better skincare results and plant- powered nutrition that will get you glowing in no time!!

The combination of our pure, safe and beneficial skincare and nutrition can truly transform you from the inside out, and most importantly, deliver noticeable results that you will want to share!

Our skincare products are:

  • made with botanically based ingredients Certified Vegan
  • Certified gluten free
  • Clinically tested
  • Certified Cruelty free

Our Nutrition products are:

  • Plant powered with standardised extracts
  • Formulated with non- GMO ingredients
  • Formulated without dairy, soy, nuts common allergens, and artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners.

If you’re ready to get your glow back and find out more about creating a healthier mind, stronger body and beautiful skin,  click on the button below and I’ll send you more information on the program.

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