
How To Lose The MumPooch!

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

Okay, I’ll admit as the years have gone by, my mum pooch has probably gotten bigger! So I probably shouldn’t blame the kiddos anymore!! I truly believe that the biggest thing that stands in my way, and most people, of keeping the weight off is your mind set. But today I’m going to share with you something I have learned about toxins, which I found absolutely fascinating and gives weight loss a whole different spin.



We all know a diet full of sugar, refined carbs, processed foods, and a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain and excess fat. But what if you have made the change to a whole food-based diet and have been exercising only to find the weight just seems to be permanently stuck to your body?! What else can contribute to weight gain? TOXINS! More and more studies are showing how exposure to environmental toxins is causing us all to pack on the extra weight and keeping us from losing it when we try!

Why should we worry about toxins?

Our bodies are wonderfully created with the ability to detoxify itself through the elimination organs – liver, digestive tract, kidneys, lungs and skin. When the body becomes overloaded with toxins from the foods we eat, products we use & environmental factors, it can’t readily protect itself so it stores the excess toxins as fat. The more toxins that go in, the more fat is produced.

Toxins not only lead to weight gain, which effects our hormones and insulin levels, but toxins will alter our metabolism and our bodies ability to maintain proper blood sugar levels leading to diabetes(8).

Toxicity in the body leads to a whole array of health issues. From low energy & fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, poor sleep, brain fog, depression, aches & pains, excess weight, skin problems… the list goes on.

An astounding 80% of people have gut imbalances. It’s not surprising that more and more research is linking gut health to mental health. 90% of serotonin and 50% of dopamine is created in the gut. Low serotonin levels are linked to depression and anxiety.

How do we get rid of these toxins? Why I thought you’d never ask!

A good Nutritional Cleanse program. It’s important to note that a nutritional rebalancing program is NOT a diet.

Diet’s only work in the short term. Often calorie cutting and/or excessive exercising is used which results in fat loss BUT also results in an increase of the body’s toxic density.

The body goes into toxic overload and triggers the need to create more fat, therefore, weight is regained. A cellular cleansing program removes the toxins from the body, creates lean muscle and melts away excess fat. 

Nutritional balance keeps the body naturally lean by reprogramming your organs to work effectively together while cleansing manages the toxins in your system. Depending on how many toxins are present will determine how long it’ll take to cleanse the body.

Nutritional balancing is a long term solution and not a rapid weight loss program. Many people that have done our 30 Days to Healthy Living Program have achieved their weight loss goals. Whilst weight loss is possible it’s not the only focus of the program. The main focus is to help people create a healthy lifestyle and develop a better understanding of healthy eating so that they have more energy, create a platform for excellent health and ultimately feel happier in who they are.

At the core of the program is whole food clean eating. Whilst this concept is not new, what is incredibly powerful is that we have products and resources you need to ensure your success.

Food is thy medicine, and we show you how to eat right, so you are the best version of you.

If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for the next best diet. The one that’s going to get the weight off quick and keep it off. Counting calories and points seems to work a treat whilst allowing you to eat a variety of foods. But have you ever thought of the impact that this has on our health? Yes we are losing weight but does this equal a healthy body?



National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals




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