
How to Repurpose Your Content for Pinterest

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Business | 0 comments

How to Repurpose Your Content for Pinterest

If you’re leveraging social media to market your business, you’re likely creating a lot of content, and Pinterest is a great platform for repurposing that content. Think of it as a place to house all your content! Any content you create, whether it’s social media posts or graphics, can be repurposed and incorporated into your Pinterest marketing strategy.

You don’t need to blog in order to be successful on Pinterest (although I do recommend it!). You can repurpose your content and pin it to relevant boards. For example, if you have a blog post about what social media tools are the best for business, pin that in one of your marketing or blogging-related boards on Pinterest!

Let’s dive into ways that you can make repurposing your content onto Pinterest a little bit easier.




Tips to Repurpose Your Content

Repurpose Your Social Media Content

You want to make sure any repurposed graphics are optimised for Pinterest, so they look great on mobile devices and on the app (meaning, vertical size always does better on Pinterest). Any graphic or infographic can be repurposed into a Pinterest shareable image.

Use Canva’s Resize Feature

As soon as you create a graphic for a social media post, use Canva Pro’s copy & resize feature to reformat it into a Pinterest-sized graphic, too.

Consider repurposing text-only content

If you’ve repurposed a blog post with more than one image or graphic, consider repurposing the text-only parts to create an informative Pinterest pin or carousel idea pin.

Repurpose into Additional Pinterest Pin Formats

Pinterest has static pins, video pins, and idea pins. You can repurpose graphics and adjust them slightly, by adding animated elements, for example, to turn it into another pin format.

Repurposing your content for Pinterest is a great way to ensure that it gets reposted and shared. Adding additional formats of pins, such as video or idea pins, will increase the chances of people repinning pins from you.

Use Tailwind Create

Tailwind also has a feature called Tailwind Create that you can use to batch create new pin designs easily. You just need to enter fonts, colors, text, and photos, and it will automatically generate pin designs. From there, you select the ones that fit with your brand and look good – you can also edit individual designs Tailwind Create generates for you if needed.


Pinterest loves fresh content, and you have to continue to create new pin designs consistently to have success with Pinterest. That’s why it is so essential to batch those designs and save yourself tons of time! If you need more help with Pinterest, please reach out and see if we are a fit to work together on your Pinterest strategy.


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