
Why Your Business Needs To Be On Pinterest If You’re An Introvert

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Business | 0 comments

You are probably a little apprehensive to fit another marketing platform into your already hectic schedule as a busy entrepreneur. There are a tonne of reasons why Pinterest is a fantastic platform and why you should be using it for your business, particularly if you are an introverted entrepreneur. As a Pinterest Manager, I’ve the powerful results first hand that Pinterest can provide entrepreneurs. It’s just a matter of using the right strategy and knowing how Pinterest works. And all with minimal face to face contact!

In this post, we will dive into everything you need to know about using Pinterest for your business and how to use Pinterest the right way.

The Advantages of Using Pinterest for Business:

Pinterest is undoubtedly one of the best platforms for organic traffic because it offers so many advantages. It’s important to note that Pinterest is not a social media platform. Given that it is a visual search engine, it is a long-term tactic. It often takes 3-6 months of consistency, optimisation, and planning to achieve the results and reach you’d like. You won’t notice the results right away.

It is so worth the initial investment of time because once you get results, you will have results long-term.

With Pinterest you can:

  • Reach a new audience.
  • Increase traffic to your website, blog, sales pages.
  • Increase exposure for brand awareness and showcasing products.
  • Grow your email list and fill your sales funnel with warm leads.

Using Pinterest for your Online Business:

As I already mentioned, the 3 most important factors when using Pinterest for marketing your business is consistency, optimisation, and strategy.


Pinterest is a slow burn. Consistency & patience is a must to see results. Tpo see results you need to be pinning everyday. Stick to your strategy, whether it’s pinning once a day or 5 times a day, it doesn’t matter, just stick to it. Create fresh content and fresh pin designs on a regular basis. The algorithm loves fresh content and fresh pins!


Being a search engine, it’s important to optimise your profile, boards and your pin descriptions & designs with keywords that people are searching for. You can do keyword search using Pinterest itself.


Half the battle is having the correct strategy. You must develop a strategy for how you want your account and pins to rank, what keywords you’re going after, how often you are going to post content, etc.

With Pinterest or any other search engine, you must conduct research to identify your target market or ideal customers in order to determine what they would be looking for.

The majority of people are familiar with how to increase traffic from Facebook or Twitter, but Pinterest is a site that’s increasingly being used for organic search. It has the potential to significantly increase website traffic.

Is Pinterest Ideal For All Businesses?

The easy answer is almost every business. The audience on Pinterest is huge, it’s not just about recipes or craft projects! The only business I wouldn’t recommend spending too much time on Pinterest is businesses that are strictly 100% local.

However, if you are a business that operates online, you can use Pinterest successfully to grow your business.

This includes coaches, consultants, course creators, bloggers, wedding photographers, and everyone in between.

Final Thoughts

I love Pinterest. As an introvert, I love having a platform where I can share my knowledge and have a voice away from all the noise and hustle of social media.

If you want to put more of a focus on your Pinterest marketing, feel free to reach out or take a look at my Pinterest management packages to see how I work. I thrive on helping entrepreneurs tap into the power of Pinterest.

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