
3 Steps To Start a Holistic Lifestyle

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

What Does Living Holistically mean?

Holistic Lifestyle is a term we hear a lot these days. If you’re anything like me, the thought of doing something new sounds great but to find out more about it, well, you kinda want some else to do the research for you! Don’t worry, I got your back on this one – it’s something I like to talk about, well actually holistic beauty, to ANYONE that will listen 😂

Holistic Beauty is a natural beauty and glow that comes from embracing a holistic lifestyle. 

Holistic means to acknowledge the wholeness and wellness of the body, mind, and spirit as three equal areas that make up our happiest, healthiest self.

Holistic Beauty is an all-encompassing approach to healthy body, mind, and soul which will ultimately result in healthier radiant skin.

What happens on the inside shows up on the outside. Unfortunately many of us have come to associate beauty with vanity so we don’t always think looking after our skin is as important as looking after our body and mind.

What matters is what’s on the inside. Yes. But what if we looked at our skin as an organ, which is exactly what it is. It’s a living breathing organ. It is one of our 6 elimination organs. The others being the lungs, kidneys, GI tract, liver and lymphatic organs. It is the biggest of the 6.

Elimination organs remove waste from the body so it can function optimally.

So given that the skin is the largest organ that houses (so to speak) our other “more important” organs, why wouldn’t we want to take better care of it?

3 Steps To Start a Holistic Lifestyle

  1. Use clean, plant based skincare. Clean skincare ensures that you aren’t loading up your body with nasty, toxic chemicals. Your skin is eliminating toxins that don’t belong in your body so it’s kind of a moo point (in the words of #joeytribiani) if you’re putting them back in via your skincare/personal products. Take my Skin Quiz and I’ll send you a personalised list of products that will get your skin glowing in no time. I’ve been using these products for 6 years now and I just absolutely love them. Before that, I was a serial brand hopper! Plant based skincare is safer for you and the planet. With plant based skincare you get the benefit from an array of nourishing compounds that work together to promote health and youthfulness! No need to load up your body with unnecessary synthetic ingredients which just don’t belong in your body.
  1. Nourish your body by eating clean – avoid eating processed foods and inflammatory foods which cause a whole heap of skin issues (and health issues). Up your water intake and try to stay away from processed foods. Stick to whole foods. As a general rule when you do your grocery shop, if it’s out of a packet – leave it on the shelf.
  2. Fill your head with positive thoughts and Make mindfulness a part of your everyday norm – When you are mindful, you are paying attention to what is happening, both inside and outside of yourself, in the present moment. Start with 5 minutes throughout your day to just sit and breathe. You could also do some yoga, meditation or journaling – if you’ve never journaled before, you can sign up for my 7 Day Journaling challenge. It’s FREE!

Let me know in the comments what are somethings you do to live more holistically?

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